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Which reel to use for ultra-light fishing?

mouinet toc

There are several styles of fishing that you can enjoy. Among these, we can mention the ultra-light fishing. This specific style is aimed at people who are new to fishing, or for those who are looking for a more leisurely way of fishing. Ideally, it will be necessary to be equipped with adequate material for that.

A short review of ultra-light fishing

Ultralight fishing will mainly concern small fish, which evolve in small streams. Everything is done in small dimensions, and for example, we will use lures that will be quite light. The choice of elements such as the toc reel the choice of elements such as the lure must therefore be in line with the needs of this discipline.

As the size of the fish to be caught is not too important, it is an activity that is closer to pleasure fishing than to sport. Indeed, in other styles of fishing, it can be a question of catching fish of almost 100 kilos. So it’s a perfect way to fish if you’re just looking to relax.

Go for a spinning reel

To be able to fish ultra-light, it is necessary to choose the right equipment. The first thing you need to buy is a good spinning reel. This should be between 1000 and 2000 in size, so it will be fairly compact.

It is not so important here to have high strength material for the composition. This is because it does not require too much force to be applied to the reel. Secondly, the reel must also have a retrieve speed of around 70cm per revolution.

Choosing the right equipment for ultralight fishing

Once you’ve decided on your spinning reel, it’s time to look at the rest. So, there’s the rod, and it needs to be fairly compact too. A size between 1m10 and 1m20 will be more than enough. Beyond that, you may find it difficult to cast the line into the water.

For the line, you should opt for a 14 to 16/100 model, and at most, you can use 22/100. You might decide to buy a paddle, which will make it easier to catch the fish when you catch it.

Where to practice this style of fishing

This is a style of fishing that will be suitable for small, tightly packed waters. Some rivers are going to be too compact and crowded for proper fly fishing. Using an ultra-light fly fishing reel is best suited for such places.

To find out which spots in your area you can do this, you can ask the fishermen there. Alternatively, you can also go on treks with the aim of finding such spots. To do this properly, it is a matter of walking up rivers and streams, or along lakes in search of points littered with rocks on the bottom.

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